
Loss Control Surveys & Premium Audits

Loss Control Surveys

We provide loss control inspections on all types of property including restaurants, manufacturing operations, lodging facilities, apartments and condominium properties, taverns, and auto repair and body shops.

PIAS is comprised of seasoned inspectors with many years of industry experience. 

Our loss control staff have numerous industry designations and are current with the growing industry trends. We are extremely knowledgeable in NFPA building and life safety code regulations.

PIAS is known for quality and quick turnaround time. 

100% of surveys are checked for quality and reviewed by experienced reviewers. 

 Our clients can expect a full turnaround in a timely manner.

PIAS provides an easy to use system for your requests.

Survey requests can be done seamlessly through our website, via email or through your own system. Whatever is convenient for you!

PIAS will use your forms and formats for surveys.

We use a narrative format with diagrams and photos on all our loss control surveys. We take photos of both the interior and exterior of the building including all property hazards and recommendations. 

We use MSB for building valuations.

Premium Audits

 Progressive Insurance and Audit Services provides physical premium audits in all of our service areas, in addition to phone and mail audits across the country.  All of our auditors have industry designations and are current with the growing industry trends.

Audit requests can also be done seamlessly through our website, via email or through your own system. Whatever is convenient for you!